Self-Care: The Mentors in Your Life

It’s hard to believe that it has been 4 months since the launch of Find Your Voice Music Therapy in a community that does not have a full time music therapist.  In this short amount of time I have seen myself wearing many hats.  From serving my clients as a music therapist to teaching the community about the benefits of music therapy to the responsibilities of a business owner.  Each role involves a great deal of skill and is demanding in it’s own unique way.  I will admit that it has been quite the learning curve and there have been some incredibly challenging days.  I continue to learn a lot about myself through this process and what has served me extremely well is the importance of self-care.

We live in an incredibly busy world and all of our lives have so many factors that require attention and balance.  It is easy to get caught up in the demands of our lives and to experience anxiety and stress.  I’ve definitely been there!  It has taken some time to learn when to step back, take a break, and do things that contribute to my health and wellness.  For those of you who know me well it’s not easy for me to do this.  I have been known to be a perfectionist and a hard worker, which I see as a strength but also a weakness as I sometimes forget the importance of taking care of myself.

I have decided for the next 3 months that I will write about self-care and I hope that something in this series resonates with you as it has for me.  I have learned some ways that are personally beneficial for self care beginning with the importance of mentors.

I would not be who am I am today if it wasn’t for the mentors in my life.  It has been important for me to identify who my community of support is as I need guidance.  I am very fortunate to say that there have been many individuals influencing my journey: music therapy teachers and supervisors, music therapy colleagues, music teachers, choral instructors, a life coach, my close friends (you know who you are), my partner, and of course my beloved family.  Each one of these individuals serves a purpose in my life.  I have spent some time identifying what role these people have in my life and the reason that I go to them for support.  Being personal, emotional, relationship, business development, or music therapy guidance as examples.  I recognize that these people have areas of strength and I am grateful that I can learn from their expertise.

I strongly encourage all of you to take a moment to write down your list of mentors.  Who is in your community of support?  What role(s) do these people have in your life?  How do they support your journey?  Please counsel these people often.  We can all use the guidance and support in the busy and demanding world that we live in.

“I am all those who have guided me, changed me, helped me.  To know me is also to know a bit about everyone who has loved me.” – Unraveled: Xara Choral Theatre