Transitioning Your Voice: Trans-Formative Voices Music Therapy Program

Music Therapy. Nova Scotia. Halifax. Transgender. Non-Binary. Trans. Voices. Transitioning. Therapy.

As individuals, our voice is arguably one of the most significant aspects that distinguish us from other people. After puberty, everyone establishes their voice and uses it to communicate with others through intonation and dynamics. Most people can determine which one of their loved ones is speaking to them with their eyes closed, and everyone knows the sound of their own voice.

Voice is a key part of our personal identity. We hear our own voice when we express our feelings, ask for our needs, and perform our professional duties. Our colleagues recognize our voice on Zoom. Our loved ones recognize our voice over the phone. The sound of our voice is a huge part of how we define ourselves and how we perceive our identity.

What happens when all that starts to shift? When you don’t recognize your own voice anymore? Or when you start to feel like the sound of your voice doesn’t represent who you are? It’s a part of transitioning that not many people talk about. 

Trans-Formative Voices Program for the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Find Your Voice Music Therapy is offering a 4-month music therapy program called Trans-Formative Voices, from March to June 2021. It is a music therapy program for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to support individuals who are going through a vocal transition, seeking to feel gender-affirmed with their voice, and/or looking for a safe space for creative vocal expression.

The program includes one weekly 45-minute individual session to focus on your specific voice in areas such as, but not limited to: finding a comfortable gender-affirming vocal range, protecting your vocal cords, and decreasing strain and tension. In addition, bi-weekly 1-hour group sessions will focus on fostering a peer support network, discussing topics relevant to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community (i.e. feeling of isolation, challenges with accessing therapy and mental health services), and making creative music as a collective.

The Certified Music Therapist facilitating the program is a non-binary individual within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. They are also enrolled in the Advanced Training in Affirmative Therapies for Transgender Communities program at Widener University, to ensure an inclusive, progressive, and safe space for all individuals! 

All Are Welcome – No Prior Musical Experience Needed

There is absolutely no requirement to be musically trained, talented or inclined! This program is for anyone who wishes to create a new relationship with their voice, learn how to properly care for it, and gain confidence with their gender identity.

If you’re interested in the program please contact Mackenzie with Find Your Voice Music Therapy or visit our website.  Registration for this series is open until February 28th, 2021. 

In song,

Kastin Bradley, BMT, MTA, MT-BC (she/her or they/them)
Certified Music Therapist at K’jipuktuk/ Halifax, NS Find Your Voice Music Therapy location.
1-800-827-3120 ext. 106